Contact Us
The only source in the world for Royal Velvet and Royal Velvet Pure.
The Healthy Protocol LLC Customer Service Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Central Standard Time
877-488-7423 Toll-free Order Line
512-263-2420 Customer Service
Note: You may call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We do have a voice messaging system that “answers” the phone during non-operating hours. Leave your name, your 10 digit phone number, a good time to return your call, and a brief message and we will be more than happy to return your call – as long as it is in the United States.
For additional Customer Service Support, please email us at:
Note: We usually respond to emails within 1 to 2 business days.
Mail & Returns
Royal Velvet Now, LLC
B-203 #119
14125 W State Hwy 29
Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Note: Please do NOT send us or return to us any product without first reading our refund and return policy.